Wednesday, March 6, 2019

What Are The Steps Involved In Changing A Trademark Design? | Trademarks411

It is common for organizations to change their trademark designs from time to time. It might also happen that organizations are changing the service that they should provide. For the same, they wish to change the trademark designs. For changing the trademark of the company, it is important to file a new application. 

Following this, you have to be careful enough about how to deal with legal procedures that will help you to use the new mark and get it filed and registered in the correct manner.

What to do with the existing mark?

You have decided to use a new trademark, but what to do with the en trademark? It might happen that you wish to continue using the existing trademark. You only wish to change the design of the trademark. In such cases, you have to file for the new application and get new designs so that you are able to protect both the marks related to your business. On a contrary note, it might happen that you wish to discontinue the mark. 

In such a situation, you have to alter the applied application. In this way, you should notify U.S. Trademark and Patent Office so that it does not abandon the old trademark relating to your business. 

What are the alterations available in changing the mark?

For making any kind of alterations in the trademark, it is required to file a new application. Even when opting to change trademark design, you have to file for a new application of the trademark. To go through such steps smoothly, you can hire an experienced trademark attorney. The person would help to determine whether it is possible to protect the previous registration. 

If it is possible to amend the old trademark, it will save the time of going through the approval process of the new trademark. Also, you do not have to pay the fees required for trademark registration. However, you can use Trademarks411 and get to know about changing a company trademark. 

What factors need to be considered for using the new trademark?

Before you start using the en trademark for the service or the goods that the company provides, it is important that you go through licensing and agreement details of the previous trademark. In this relation, using Trademarks411 would be of help in your business. If your company is catering to a large number of goods, you have to rebrand the items or spend money to exhaust the existing mark. 

Do not make the mistake of selling goods or services with two different marks. It is sure to create confusion among the buyers. If the old mark has been registered by the help of third parties, it is required to terminate the same before altering it or applying for a new one. 

Importance to file a new application

Similar to search work done during choosing your previous mark, you have to make a thorough research to find whether the new mark is in use or not. For effective background search, hiring an experienced attorney will be a suitable option.

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