Trademark is considered as an important asset of your company. It bears the identification of your brand and helps build public image. With increased competition in the market, it shall help one to stand out from the rest and make unique identity of its own. The perfect combination of the symbol, logo, number, label and the brand message constitutes the trademark of service or product that the company caters to.
If you go through US trademark
policies, you are sure to come across the patent, design and police that come
under it. Let us take you through some of the vital things about trademark

Importance of visual
By suitable Trademark Registration, it enhances visual representation. It contains service masks,
patterns masks, word masks, color definition, certification details, shape of
products, collective trademark. The three dimensional marks bring in uniqueness
of the product and thus, help
If your brand has been able to build a prominent position in the
market and turned out to be successful, trademark is essential.It is an
important part of the intellectual property that can be beneficial for your
company. A registeredtrademark is
an intangible asset that should be traded and fashioned properly to let your
target group know about it. When it is commercially distributed well, more
customers will come to know about it.
Value of trademark
The function of trademark search is vital and it is should be
performed when deciding for a trademarked. It should be a unique one without
its existence in the market. You have to search it in the Indian Trademark
Registry database or using other third party service website to get accurate results.
Class selection for
trademark registration
There are 45 different section of classification of goods and service
under which you have to set the trademark registration for your goods and
services. Every section indicates different class and you have to categorize
them accordingly. The class depends on the trademark and logo that you have
chosen for the brand. The brand name need to be registered under the right
class and this should be chosen at the time of registration. It depends on the
genre of the service or product your business caters to.
A trademark registration is valid for tenure of 10 years and before
the end of the period, it is important to renew it. It should be renewed within
one year of expiry. If you fail to renew it, there can be problem and trademark
registration may be terminated. So, for any problem, it is better to renew it
before time and continue the use of the trademark in your business. It is
important to look after restoration of trademark before the time expires.
Importance of
Trademark Symbols
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